Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Time Flies

Ok, so maybe I should have waited until August to start this blog. July is always such a busy month for us. It's usually nonstop celebrations between all the birthdays and our anniversary.

We had a little heat wave earlier this week, so Bebs had a blast cooling off with her water table in the backyard. (She's "making tea" in the photo.)

This week we're also busy getting ready for our trip to Seattle/Mt. Rainier! We all got brandnew rain gear, so that should more or less guarantee a beautiful trip.

More soon!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Z is for Zebra

Hello and welcome to the Beblog!

We decided to create this little spot on the Web so family and friends can keep up with everyone's favorite toddler.

Now you can watch her grow before your very eyes! Never again wonder about what outfit she's wearing!

Check back soon to read all about the adventures of Bebs.

See you soon!